Consultancy Services for the Design Study for Development of EAPP Regional SCADA System and Energy Information System (EIS).



Sector.: Energy/Power | Financing Agreement reference.:2100155043121

Project ID No.:P-Z-F00-152


The Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP), through the African Development Bank (AfDB), has received a grant from the African Development Fund – (ADF – 16 Regional Public Goods (RPG)) towards the cost of the EAPP Institutional Capacity Building Project and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this grant to payments under the contract for CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN STUDY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF EAPP REGIONAL SCADA SYSTEM AND ENERGY INFORMATION SYSTEM (EIS). The expected duration of the phase 1 assignment is 6 months, and the phase 2 assignment is 19 months. A tentative implementation schedule is provided below; however, consultants can review and propose an alternative schedule which will contain revised activities and expected timelines. The estimated level of effort is 10 person months for phase 1 and 94 person hours for phase 2. The services included under this project in phase I are undertaking design study for the EAPP regional SCADA and Energy Information System as per the initial requirements of EAPP.EAPP requirements include the complete design of the SCADA/EIS system, reviews and validation of all requirements and proposed features, preparation of all related technical design, preparation of final scope for implementation and training plan and preparation of all respective TORs and Bidding documents. The output of the consultant is expected to provide the final blueprint for implementation of the SCADA/EIS i.e. tendering process and implementation of the required infrastructure. The services included under this project in phase II are Supervision of the implementation of SCADA/EMS and EIS project by selected contractors. The Consultant shall support EAPP in supervising the selected contractors. This shall include but not limited to the following:

  • Participate in Kick-off Meeting with Contractors and relevant stakeholders and finalization of project implementation schedule.
  • Support EAPP in timely provision of required permits as required by Contractor.
  • Review and approve schedule for manufacturers and delivery of materials for site construction.
  • Prepare, maintain, and monitor Project Master Schedule, continuously monitor the progress of contractors against their schedules. Prepare project monitoring scheme (including technical, physical, and financial details), and finalize formats for reporting progress of supply and installation works.
  • Establishing and maintaining cost control and monitoring cost, issuing of payment certificates.
  • Support in review Quality Control during Manufacturing of equipment and carrying out of material inspection and Factory Inspection Tests; This would include travel to factory of the manufacturer, witnessing and reporting tests.
  • Inspection of material and factory of manufacturer and inspect on-site after the receipt of material.
  • Supervise construction works to ensure required quality and progress of the Project.
  • Supervise installation of SCADA/EMS/EIS equipment’s, communication system.
  • Provide project supervision functions, including inspecting and accepting goods and services related to hardware/software and supervision, installing and commissioning of power equipment’s for SCADA/EMS/EIS project confirming that the supplied goods and services conform to specifications, recommending appropriate corrective actions when quality of deliverables does not meet the specifications etc.


  1. The Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP) General Secretariat now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may constitute joint ventures to enhance their chances of qualification.
  2. Eligibility criteria, the establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s “Rules and Procedures for the use of Consultants” Procurement Policy for Bank Group funded operations, dated October 2015 and following the provisions stipulated in the Financing Agreement using the relevant Bank Standard or Model Solicitation Documents (SDs) approved by the Bank., which is available on the Bank’s website at
  3. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below paragraph 6 during office hours, 0900 to 1700 hours -East Africa Time during working days (Monday to Friday)


Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, by mail, or by e-mail ( by August 19, 2024 before or at 11:00 hours – East Africa Time Zone (GMT+3) and mention “CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN STUDY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF EAPP REGIONAL SCADA SYSTEM AND ENERGY INFORMATION SYSTEM (EIS)”.

Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP)

Eng. James Wahogo


P.O Box 100644, Addis-Ababa (Ethiopia)

 EEP Head Quarter, Kotebe, Yeka Sub City

 Tel.: (251) 11 667 1669 | (251)11 667 1670,

REOI – Consultamcy Services for EAPP SCADA and EIS (FIRM)19.8.2024 Link

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