Status of major EAPP Activities

The Actvities Tracker

This section provides updates on activities of the Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP), the regional electricity infrastructure development, and power trade activities of EAPP member utilities, and regulatory bodies. Other latest information is provided in the quarterly bulletins.


Status of Activities

Activity: Publish Transmission System Capacity Statement.
Objective: Annual publication of the transfer capacity (TTC , NTC and TRM ) between control areas.
Development partner/responsibility: EAPP-GS and Planning Committee
Status: Planning Committee set up a dedicated task team and distributed a template to national utilities to collect the necessary inputs to update the network model and to undertake the Transfer Capacity studies of interconnectors. Only few countries provided input. EAPP GS is communicating countries so that they provide their national models up to the end of May 2023. The model update and the transfer capacity studies are planned to be completed by September 2023.
Activity: Update EAPP master plan study.
Objective: To undertake regional least-cost planning study for the future 25 years.
Development partner: WB (technical and financial support to hire consultant)
Status: The technical evaluation is completed. Contract is expected to be signed by May 2023.
Activity: Maintain Regional Power System Model.
Objective: To maintain updated Regional Power System Model.
Development partner/responsibility: EAPP-GS and Planning Committee)
Status: Planning Committee set up a dedicated task team and distributed a template to national utilities to collect the necessary inputs to update the network model. Only few countries provided input. EAPP GS is communicating countries so that they provide their national models up to the end of May 2023. The model update is planned to be completed by September 2023.
Activity: Problem solving support for T/L interconnectors.
Objective: EAPP GS providing mediation and facilitation to avoid disputes among utilities related to interconnection lines construction and early operation phases.
Development partner: Power Africa (TA)
Status: Shango-Mabara is expected to be commissioned within the first quarter of year 2023.
Activity: Tanzania-Uganda Interconnection Feasibility Study (FS)
Objective: To undertake Tanzania-Uganda Interconnection Feasibility Study.
Development partner: WB (technical and financial support to hire consultant)
Status: Contract Signed. Interim Report workshop held in October 2022. Project is expected to be completed by March 2023.
Activity: Ethiopia-Sudan second Interconnection Line FS update.
Objective: The two countries had undertaken feasibility study for the project in year 2017. At present EAPP GS in collaboration with the two countries are planning to update the second interconnection line feasibility study.
Development partner: WB (technical and financial support to hire consultant)
Status: Contract is signed in Jan. 2022. Project is expected to be completed by September 2022. Contract is temporarily posed due to political problem in Sudan.
Activity: Ethiopia-Sudan second Interconnection Line ESIA study
Objective: The ESIA study had been undertaken with the feasibility study in year 2017 under one contract. It is decided to update the study with an independent consultant.
Development partner: WB (technical and financial support to hire consultant)
Status: Procurement started. Financial evaluation completed. Contract is temporarily posed due to political problem in Sudan.
Activity: Ethiopia-Somali Interconnection Line Feasibility Study.
Objective: To undertake Ethiopia-Somalia Interconnection Feasibility.
Development partner: WB (technical and financial support to hire consultant)
Status: Under procurement. Technical and Financial evaluation completed. Negotiation held. Contract is to be signed early February 2023
Activity: Ethiopia-Somali Interconnection Line ESIA studies.
Objective: To undertake Ethiopia-Somalia Interconnection lines ESIA Study.
Development partner: WB (technical and financial support to hire consultant)
Status: Under procurement. Technical evaluation is presented to WB for no objection.
Activity: Additional preparation for interconnected operation of EAPP grid.
Objective: Supporting EAPP and its member utilities to enable reliable and secure operation of the regional interconnected network.
Development partner: WB (technical and financial support to hire consultants).
Status: TOR for phase 2 of operational Readiness (OR) study under review by the Bank. REOI floated. EOI Evaluation will be completed early February 2023.
Activity: Market handbook and prepare platform for Day Ahead Market (DAM)– Centralized EAPP trade
Objective: Prepare market handbook and platform for Day Ahead Market (DAM) and purchase of necessary hardware for the centralized EAPP trade.
Development partner: WB (technical and financial support to hire consultant).
Status: Procurement process started. Expression of interest evaluation completed and presented to WB for no objection.
Activity: Standard document preparation for short term bilateral trade.
Objective: Preparation of bilateral trade standard agreement and procedures for application by party. These documents are to be developed together with EAPP bilateral trade workgroup. The committee is comprised of legal, technical, economic experts from utilities, regulators, and energy ministries.
Development partner: Power Africa (TA).
Status: The document will be presented to Steering Committee for adoption and to Conference of Minsters for approval in February.
Activity: Transmission Pricing methodology development
Objective: To develop transmission wheeling methodology for EAPP region.
Development partner: WB (technical and financial support to hire consultants).
Status: TOR is under review by the WB. Procurement is to start in February 2023.
Activity: Membership expansion (Somalia, South Sudan, and Eretria)
Objective: Complete the membership of all countries in the Eastern Africa Region.
Development partner: World Bank is providing technical and financial support.
Status: Response from Eretria is expected.
Activity: Capacity building on project management and financing.
Objective: To train EAPP GS staffs and planning committee on project financing and project management.
Development partner: Power Africa (TA).
Status: Power Africa is providing TA in contract and project management training (project coordination, monitoring, and evaluation). Trainings on contract management and PPP certification were conducted. Certification exams are completed in December 2022.
Activity: Capacity building for EAPP future Traders
Objective: To provide introductory market related trainings for newly appointed utility traders.
Development partner: World Bank
Status: Project management trainings completed. PPP trainings and certification exams are completed.
Activity: Shadow market operation
Objective: Capacity building will be provided to the market committee members through shadow market operation.
Development partner: African Development Bank (technical and financial support to hire consultant).
Status: Study tour to SAPP and attachment with SAPP traders completed. The Shadow Market deployment workshop held in October 2022. Two months shadow market operation evaluation workshop is held in December 2022.
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