The Governance Structures of the EAPP
Overview of Governance Structures
The current empowering legal instruments of EAPP are the Inter-governmental Memorandum of Understanding and subsequently the Inter–utility Memorandum of Understanding agreements between the member countries. These agreements provide EAPP with a mandate and a governing structure. To facilitate the attainment of EAPP objectives, the EAPP has a governance structure that comprises of The Council of Ministers (CoM);
- The Steering Committee (SC);
- Independent Regulatory Board (IRB);
- Organizational Committees (OC);
- The General Secretariat (GS)
The Council of Ministers (COM) is the supreme governing body of EAPP that provides strategic guidance and oversight. The Steering Committee (SC), which consists of heads of the member utilities, is the executive arm responsible for policy formulation and monitoring of execution. The day-to-day activities are handled by a General Secretariat (GS) located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The Independent Regulatory Board (IRB) is EAPP’s organ for regional regulation and reports directly to the COM. The IRB is composed of heads of the national regulatory authorities/commissions in each member country. Ministries of Energy represent the IRB in countries with no regulatory body. The IRB is already established but the EAPP is preparing the necessary organizational documents and staffing structure to operationalize the IRB soon.
EAPP also has the following Technical Committees:
- The Planning Committee;
- The Operations Committee;
- The Environment Committee; and
- The Governance and Human Resources Committee.
- The Market Committee

The Council of Ministers is the supreme body of the Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP) and has the following roles and responsibilities:
- Signs and amends the Constituting Act of the Eastern Africa Power Pool;
- Approves the Common Electricity Energy Policy (CEEP);
- Approves the Regional Power Development Master plan;
- Approves the admission of new EAPP members;
- Approves members of the Independent Regulatory Board (IRB) of EAPP;
- Makes sanctions against defaulting members of EAPP;
- Approves the appointment of the Secretary General.
The Independent Regulatory Board is responsible to the Council of Ministers and has the following roles and responsibilities:
- Enforces standards, procedures, and specifications as set out by the Steering Committee;
- Organizes power markets in the EAPP;
- Follows up the application of rules between members participating in the power exchange within EAPP
- Harmonizes the accounting and billing procedures of power exchanges;
- Settles any disputes arising between members related to the exchange and transactions within EAPP.
- Provides dispute resolution support on any other matters arising from Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) interpretation, the interface between regional regulations and domestic regulations, and the internal affairs of the Regional Regulatory Commission (RRC) that require legal advice.
- Changes application of regional regulations, proposals for modifications when deemed necessary, and support to the countries to adjust their domestic legislation/regulations to ensure better harmonization with the regional trading environment
- Develops and proposes cross-border transmission tariffs methods, calculation of cross-border tariffs and wheeling services,
- Organizes and carries out the tenders for capacity interconnectors
- Monitors compliance of market participants with regional regulations
- Monitors regional market development and undertakes market surveillance
- Ensures availability of all of internal requirements of the unit, including internal budgeting, financial control, human resources, IT support, training, and any logistical support required for extra-ordinary meetings with the Council of Ministers/ Steering Committee and organizational Committees.
The Steering Committee is the highest executive body of the Eastern Africa Power Pool and has the following roles and responsibilities:
- Defines the Common Electricity Energy Policy (CEEP);
- Defines and ensures implementation of programs related to CEEP in terms of tariff, planning and standardization polices;
- Approves plans, programs and reports issued by various Technical Sub- Committees;
- Works out using technical structure, standard rules and procedures a framework of enforcing operation Agreement relating to EAPP;
- Proposes to the Council of Ministers options to develop power system of the r
- Submits quarterly progress reports and Option Reports to the Council of Ministers
- Recommends the appointment of the Secretary General to the Council of Ministers
- Approves EAPP’s Budget;
- Approves Training programs of EAPP staff
- Sets up Technical Ad-hoc Committees as need aris
- Harmonizes and approve the rate of access to networks
- Enacts rules for members participating in the power exchange with EAPP
- Recommends admission of new members to the Council of Ministers
The Planning Committee is headed by a Chairperson on a rotational basis who is elected from the Steering Committee for a term period of two years. The Planning Committee’s activities are carried out by planning technocrats elected from member countries utilities and who are senior planning officers in their utilities.
The System Planning, Programming, and Environment Manager of EAPP is the secretary of the Planning Committee. The Planning Committee responsible to the Steering Committee has the following roles and responsibilities: –
- Ensures technical studies required to plan the future generation and transmission additions to the grid are done;
- Directs and plans load growth and generation expansion to ensure adequate generation reserve is maintained;
- Provides support in analyzing the economic and technical aspects of proposed generation and transmission additions and recommends the most suitable alternative(s)
- Directs economic studies required to evaluate the economics of future generation and transmission
- Provides support in evaluating the impact of future projects on the operation of the Eastern Africa Power Pool
- Provides support in updating the EAPP power system model
- Reports and submits the EAPP operation performance to the Steering Committee on regular basis.
The Operations Committee is headed by a Chairperson on a rotational basis elected from the Steering Committee for a term period of two years. The Operations Committee activities are carried out by operation technocrats elected from members’ utilities and who are Senior Load Dispatch Centre (LDC) Officers of member utilities.
The Grid Coordination Manager of EAPP is the secretary of the Operations Committee. The Operation Committee responsible to the Steering Committee has the following roles and responsibilities:
- Oversees the coordination of the grid interconnection operations;
- Directs the development of operating and maintenance rules of power plants and networks involved in EAPP;
- Advises the steering committee on interconnection grid operation policy
- Ensures the implementation of operation decisions of other organs of the EAPP;
- Reports and submits EAPP operation performance to the Steering Committee on a regular basis
The Environment Committee is headed by a Chairperson on rotational basis elected from the Steering Committee for a term period of two years. The Environment Committee activities are carried out by Environment technocrats elected from members’ utilities and who are senior Environment Officers of member utilities. The Environment Officer of EAPP is the secretary of the Environment Committee.
The Environment Committee responsible to the Steering Committee has the following;
- Provides strategic support to EAPP member utilities in achieving and continually improving EAPP Environment Sub-committee Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
- Provides strategic guidance and advice on related EAPP interconnection, generation projects, and environmental impact assessments.
- In association with member utilities, manages the Environment portfolio of EA
- Provides back-stopping capacity to utility Environment Officers in preparing terms of reference, specifications, tender, and/or contract documents for the procurement of environmental consultants.
- Provides support in evaluating proposals and recommends the preferred consultancy on environmental matters.
- Explores needs assessment and capacity building initiatives for EAPP utilities including further training, attachment, and exchange visits.
- Ensures that environmental research undertaken is relevant and appropriate to EAPP’s vision and objective.
- Reports and submits EAPP environment performance to Steering Committee on a regular basis
The Governance & Human Resources Committee shall be headed by a Chairperson on a rotational basis elected from the Steering Committee for a term period of two years. The Governance & Human Resources Committee activities shall be carried out by Human Resources technocrats elected from members’ utilities and who are Senior Human Resources Officers of member utilities. The Finance, Human Resources & Administration Manager of EAPP is the secretary of the Governance & Human Resources Committee.
The Governance & Human Resources Committee responsible to the Steering Committee shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
- Ensures EAPP’s compliance with the governance structure;
- Directs development and amendments of Human Resources policies and procedure
- Assists the Steering Committee in appointing and recruitment of the Secretary-General and come up with a recommendation on suitable candindate
- Advises the Steering Committee on human resources development policies and strategies;
- Serves as Administrative Tribunal to hear appeals submitted by staff members against administrative decisions made by the Secretary-General and advises the steering committee on all disciplinary measures to be taken against management staff.
- Reports and submits EAPP Governance & Human Resources performance to the Steering Committee on regular basis
The General Secretariat is responsible to the Steering Committee and has the following roles and responsibilities:
- Manages and coordinates the grid Interconnection operation;
- Develops operating and maintenance rule of power plants and networks involved in EAPP;
- Coordinates master plan and development programs of member utilities;
- Manages and updates the database of the regional power systems;
- Follows up the implementation of power interconnection projects;
- Ensures coordination of Technical Sub –Committees works;
- Seeks ways and means to mobilize funds for common interest projects as per Steering Committee guidelines and Submits draft plans and programs of action and related budgets to the Steering Committee;
- Fosters co-operation relations between EAPP with the African and international ship;
- Ensures liaison between EAPP organs, Regional Economic Communities, and other international organizations involved in the development of the power sector;
- Follows up implementation of the decision of other organs of the EAPP;
- Keeps records of EAPP organs;
- Processes applications for membership;
- Provides secretarial services to the council of ministers, the steering committee
- Ensures staff development & training programs for staff involved in EA Ensure all of the internal requirements of the EAPP, including internal budgeting, financial control, human resources, IT support, training, and any logistical support required for extra-ordinary meetings with the Council of Ministers/Steering Committee and organizational Committees.
- Reports and submits financial statements to the Steering Committee on a regular basis