FutureDAMS energy-water system simulation – Demonstration and training programme presentation
FutureDAMS (‘Future Design and Assessment of water-energy-food-environment Mega-Systems’) is a UK-funded research project where the EAPP and the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) have partnered with researchers to create a next-generation online energy-water system analysis and design tool.
In this one-hour session, shared with other case studies of the FutureDAMS project, the project group will introduce the project and its case studies, demonstrate the new online energy-river basin simulator, and present a new online video-based training programme which allows analysts to train themselves in the theory and practice of the new integrated multi-sector model.
In late March, once participants have completed the online video trainings, a longer follow-up training event will introduce EAPP and regional partners to a version of the online East-African energy-water model that has been especially built for training.